Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Winds of Change

This is a hard time of year for many people; the time when the high school seniors graduate and begin their new lives as adults. For us too, as teens, this is a hard time. For either we are graduating, or friends of ours are graduating. For me, the latter is true.

The youth group I am in is pretty small, between 15 and 20 teens come together every Sunday night. Though studying God’s word, praying for and with each other, encouraging and edifying each other, and doing things together often, we have grown into a tightly knit group. I praise and thank God that I have had the opportunity to be a part of this tightly knit group, for through my friends I have learned so much. But, with graduation from high school comes graduation out of youth group, and nearly half of my youth group is graduating.

This is a hard thing to understand, to comprehend, unless you have gone through a similar experience. I am the oldest child in my family, so not only are these teens my friends, but also basically my adopted older siblings. I count these people as brothers and sisters, so them moving out of youth group is hard. But having them move away, which some of them are, is even harder.

This is life. I tell myself this over and over again. But it doesn’t make it any easier. The only thing that lessens the pain is the truth that this life is but a vapor. And praise God, these people are not only great friends, but also strong believers, so even though we might be separated temporarily hereon earth, we will be together forever, worshiping our Creator and God in heaven.

Life is short. Life is a vapor. Life, your life, my life, each person’s life, will soon be over. It is like a mist that appears for a little while, and then vanishes. This life comes and goes in the blink of an eye. This life will soon be over and done.

If this sparks fear in you, then I encourage you to examine yourself. For if this life is so short, then we have no time to waste! Where are you spending eternity? Contrary to this vaporous life, eternity is forever, it will never end. Where you spend eternity rests entirely on your decisions here on earth. Whom do you serve?

If you are a believer, death should be something you look forward too. It should be something that you can’t wait to happen! For once this life is over and done, you get to spend eternity with your Savior! How great is that!

For most who are not believers, they believe that death is the end of all things. For after death there is nothing. After you die, you’re just gone. Life is over. From that comes the now common “live your best life now” doctrine. But for those who are believers, death is just the beginning! Death for us is the beginning of life! True life! Life that will never end!

Therefore I ask you, do you know where you are going? Do you know where you will be spending eternity?

The winds of change have come again.

These winds of change, they now have a pretty bad name, but are they really bad?

I don’t believe so. For with the winds of change comes not only pain, but also a new adventure. I don’t know what God has planned for my friends that are graduating, and I don’t know what God has in store for me and the rest of us who are left behind, but I do know, and take comfort in the fact, that He knows what’s best, and that all things work together for good to them that love God (Romans 8:28). I believe this. I know for a fact that I can trust God. He has proved His love, and His trustworthiness. He never fails. I know that I can put my life in His hands and everything will work together for good.

The winds of change, they come and go. But God, He never leaves. Therefore, trust God; He knows what’s best, and will do what is best. Bid those winds of change come.


Winds of Change

Nothing ever stays the same

Not for forever

No matter how hard you try

No matter how hard you wish

The winds of change will come

Whether today or tomorrow

We cannot know

But they will come, they always do

Time cannot be stopped

Life does not have a pause

Life does it have a rewind

It only comes once, and then is gone forever

Therefore stand

Stand in the open field of life

That field with all its joys and trials

And with arms wide, bid the winds come

Bid them come

Stand strong as they blow you

Don't waver as they toss you

Bid them come

Let them fill your sails

Let them blow you wherever they listeth

Trust the One who guides those winds

Place the wheel in His hands

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