Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Who do they see?

As teens and adults, we are being watched by those around us. You know that, no doubt, but do you use that knowledge to your help when you make choices in your everyday life?

Recently, I went on my church’s youth campout, and the theme for this year was manifesting Christ in our bodies. At youth group, we are frequently being told that we are being watched by the younger kids and that we’re being copied by the younger kids, and we all know that, but the real thing is...do we act like we know that? Do we put our knowledge to practice?

Therefore I ask you, who do they see? Do those around you see a normal teen? One who does things that they know are wrong but they just do whatever the world does? Or do they see a good person? Do they see someone who is always helping people, always caring? Or do they see a really bad person? Do they see someone who rebels against authority? Or do they see Christ? A teen so wrapped up in Christ that you can’t even see the teen anymore?

2 Corinthians 4:5-11

5For what we proclaim is not ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, with ourselves as your servants for Jesus’ sake. 6For God, who said, "Let light shine out of darkness," has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. 7But we have this treasure in jars of clay, to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us. 8We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair; 9persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed; 10 always carrying in the body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be manifested in our bodies. 11For we who live are always being given over to death for Jesus’ sake, so that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our mortal flesh.

We all know which of the above teens we want to be, but be honest with yourself - are you the teen that you want to be? More importantly, are you the teen God has called you to be? Or are you so wrapped up in yourself and in the world that when people see you they see...well, just you?

This isn’t a figure of speech, but it’s not literal either. When people physically see you, they will see your body. But when people see the way you act, the way you treat others, your attitude, your words, and quite simply, your life, you want them to see Christ. You want to act like Christ would, treat others like He did, conform your actions, attitude and words to His.

Simple, right? Not really. For we, as sinful human beings, are so full of ourselves, so wrapped up in this world and our own desires that we care more about what others think of us than if others see Christ in us. More often than not, we want the attention drawn to us, rather than to Him.

Many, if not all, of you are probably thinking pretty hard about this. If you’re like me, you are acknowledging your behavior and attitude, and wanting to change, but part of you still wants others to see you more than Him. Denying this won’t work. We all do this at one point or another, usually when we are either younger believers, or believers struggling with their faith.

Manifesting Christ is more than words – in fact, words only make up a third of it! Manifesting Christ is what you should be doing through your words, actions, and attitude daily, hourly, and minutely as you strive to show the world who He is. Manifesting Christ is your greatest witness, my friends. There is nothing that compares to manifesting Christ through you.

You are watched, no matter who you are or what you do, you are indeed watched. And those that watch you will hear your words, and see your actions and attitude. Are you the kind of person who just gets glanced at, then brushed aside because there is nothing in you that sparks interest or draws the attention of those around you? Are you the kind of person who is not worth watching because your words, actions, and attitude are not worth copying? Or are you the kind of person that people look at and say, “wow! I want to be like them!” Hopefully you are the latter, but if not, you are hopefully going to become the latter, throwing off the former!

As you grow as a believer, you will grow to love and respect God more, and as you do, you will naturally want to become more like Him – that is manifesting Christ! Living so that others can see Christ in you! How do you grow as a believer? - Through prayer, scripture reading, and teaching. You grow as a believer just as you grow as friends with another person – by getting to know them more. As you get to know them more, you draw closer to them; it is the same with God. As you get to know Him more, you draw closer to Him, and because He is greater than you, you will want to become more like Him. It’s a wonderful process that you will never complete.

Manifesting Christ should not only be a goal, but a lifestyle. It shouldn’t be a net too high to reach, but something we strive at barely touching every second of our lives.

“From the moment of our first breath to the second we bid this world goodbye and everything that is in between was made to magnify the One who holds all things in place, the Ruler over time and space.” –Mercy Me

Adults, this article was written for you too. If you want, go back and erase every time it says “teens” and put “adults”. Manifesting Christ is not something that takes up part of your life; it is something that should take up ALL of your life! From the time you take your first breath as a new creation in Christ, to the time to breathe your last, you should manifest Christ quite simply out of your love and devotion to Him. Therefore, don’t ever stop. Don’t ever say it’s too late to begin. Don’t ever get bogged down by the weight of starting your new life late. Through Christ you are made a new creature! And through Christ you can do all things because it is Him that strengthens you.

Therefore my friends, I encourage you, stand strong in your faith, be strong in the Lord, be strong and never cease to manifest Christ in your words, actions, and attitude. Living for Christ is what we were made for. Living for Christ is more rewarding than any other life you could live. Manifesting Christ – putting ourselves behind the curtain, and letting the world see Christ instead of us – is the greatest thing you could ever do with your life. Get out there, and live for Christ.

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