Tuesday, July 5, 2011

More Than They All

Luke 21: 1-4 (KJV) And He [Jesus Christ] looked up, and saw the rich men casting in their gifts into the treasury. And He saw also a certain poor widow casting in thither two mites. And He said, Of a truth I say unto you, that this poor widow hath cast in more than they all: For all these have of their abundance cast in unto the offerings of God: but she of her penury hath cast in all the living that she had.

This passage is probably pretty familiar to you. It’s about the poor widow who placed her two little coins in the offering container, and Jesus saw it. If you just read the first part, you would think that she was putting in as little as she could, but once you get to that last line, your perspective changes, for it says that she put in all that she had. It’s like if you only had a few bucks left, that was all you had, and you decided that offering the money was better than using it to take care of yourself. Two mites weren’t much, but it probably meant a lot to her, because it was everything she had.

The first thing you can point out about this is how she gave everything. Most of the other people there were just casting in a little of the great fortunes that they had, so in the worlds eyes, they were giving more than she. But in God’s eyes, she gave WAY more than everyone else, she gave everything!

The second thing we see is that she had faith. It takes faith to give everything away and trust that God will still provide your needs. Which takes more faith? Having a ton of money and believing that God will provide all your needs, or having nothing and believing that God will provide all your needs?

Chances are that you have a lot more than this poor widow had, but do you have faith like she had?

Faith. Seems like such a simple word, but is it, really? Like I said before, it’s easy to have faith when you have everything you need, but it’s not so easy to have faith when you have nothing.

Take George Muller for example, this man lived in England and started an orphanage. Feeding, housing, and clothing a ton of kids can’t be easy, and it wasn’t. But Muller had something – faith. One day, everyone sat down at the dinner table, they had no food in the house, but they sat down anyways. And by faith, Muller thanked God for the food that was not even there, and when he was done, someone knocked on the door. They brought food! Enough for everyone – the children and adults! Muller didn’t know for sure what would happen when he prayed, but he knew that God wasn’t about to let those kids go hungry; he knew that God would provide.

That’s faith.

Even when you don’t know what will happen, but you know that God is listening, and knows about your every need, He will provide.

Even though the Bible doesn’t say anything more about the poor widow, I like to think that she went home, and found that someone had left a bag of money for her, or a cupboard full of food. Obviously, I don’t know what happened, but I do know that God provided for her.

Are you like this poor widow? Giving all you have? Sometimes God doesn’t ask that we physically give everything we own, sometimes He asks us to give some, or to give our time. Sometimes He asks people to give their lives. So I therefore encourage you that no matter what happens, that you would have faith, and trust God that He knows best, and that He will do what is best. He will provide. Have faith.

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