Tuesday, February 15, 2011

MMT 2010 Review

Dear Readers,

This last year has been both a wonderful and challenging year for the team. As some of you know, HELP was originally started (in 2009) simply for the fundraising of the Equipped Missionary Vehicle, but soon it grew and HELP is now just an arm of the whole of what we are doing - Mission Minded Teens. We ended last year with about half a dozen team members, and we were all pumped and ready to get this going. In the next couple months we added members, and soon we got up to ten members total. It was a very exciting time!

But soon, the original excitement wore off, and for about three months we did almost nothing. It was very difficult, but to regain excitement in my team, I started Go Ye Therefore in April. For a while, it did excite the team, but soon it was just another thing to do. But we persevered, and as you see, Go Ye Therefore is still up and running every month without fail.

I’m not going to lie to you, 2010 was hard. We went through some very challenging times. Times where we almost quit, gave up, dropped and forgot Mission Minded Teens for forever, but we didn’t. We stayed strong. Yes, we did lose team mates; we lost four, so that was hard. But you know what? As a leader, I learned something; I learned that no matter what happens to the team, God is in control. A few times this year, in the most difficult times, I just had to remind myself that God is the real leader, with Him anything is possible and He will always lead the team in the best direction, and even when I fail, He never does. But most of all, every hard time we went through, every time we fell down, He bent down, plopped us back up on our feet, and helped us go on.

I think I can say that, as a team, we grew into stronger Christians and closer friends. We went through those challenges together, and we are ready to face more. We’d rather not, but we know that they are coming. Please pray for us, this year is going to be challenging, hopefully not as challenging as last year, but it very well may be, if not even more so. So please keep our team in your prayers, we really appreciate your prayers and support! It means a lot to us.

As a final note, I would like remind you that the magazine, blog, website, and forum are for you, and we try hard to put in helpful information, ideas, and encouraging articles and interviews. To make our job easier, and to make these resources more helpful and encouraging for you, suggestions and comments are more than welcome! Thanks!

In Christ alone,
For the MMT team,
Team leader

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